I would like to rent a bicycle. How do I do this?
You can easily arrange this online or via the app at many of our parks. Does this not apply to your park? Please contact the reception of the park or arrange it during your stay. You can rent a bicycle for the next day and all the following days/months. Well, there you have it. We rent out city bicycles, e-bikes and cargo bikes. Would you like to rent a bicycle for the same day? Please contact the reception of the park. We will be happy to assist you. Good to know: whereas bicycles can be hired for a whole day, go-karts/family bicycles can be hired by the hour.
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Where can I collect my reserved bicycle(s)?
You can find it at the park reception or at the bicycle rental desk.
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How long does my bicycle reservation last?
We reserve the bicycles on the pick-up day until 10:30 am at the latest. The opening hours of the bicycle rental vary from park to park, you can find this information in the app. What if I don’t pick up the reserved bicycles by that time? Then we will make the bicycles available again for rent to other guests.
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I have reserved some bicycles, but I would like to cancel my reservation. How do I do this?
You can cancel your reservation 48 hours in advance. Send an e-mail to info@cycleshare.nl.
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