Do you also have car-free parks?
Yes. To find out if a park is car-free, go to 'park info' on the park's page.
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Can I buy a bungalow at Landal GreenParks?
Yes, you can! For more information, go to Landal Makelaardij.
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Does the resort have WiFi?
Wi-Fi is available at selected locations. On the practical information page of the resort you want to visit you can find whether this is available.
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Can I bring my pet(s)?
It's great that you wish to bring your pet with you for your holiday. Most of our UK locations allow pets in selected accommodations and this will be visible on each location's practical info section, including how many are accepted.
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What is the smoking policy at the resorts?
It is forbidden to smoke in public spaces, such as restaurants and plazas, at all the Landal GreenParks. Smoking is also not allowed in the accommodations at the resort.
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