Peace of mind
Flexible booking changes
Up to 28 days before your arrival date, you may change your booking for free. For example, to change the park, accommodation or the period of stay. The total amount of your booking will stay the same or be higher. If your new booking is more expensive, then you pay only the price difference.
Free cancellation, 100% money back
Flexible payment
1. Pay later
Have you already made a choice? Then book now, quickly and conveniently. Payment is not required right now, only within 7 days. This applies to all bookings, except for last minute reservations with an arrival date within 49 days. In that case we will ask you for immediate payment.
2. Pay in instalments
Are you booking a stay for 56 days from now or later? Then you don't have to pay the full amount right now. In that case you may pay in two instalments. You will pay 20% right away or within 7 days. The remaining 80% will be due up to 42 days before your arrival date.
Have you already made a choice? Then book now, quickly and conveniently. Payment is not required right now, only within 7 days. This applies to all bookings, except for last minute reservations with an arrival date within 49 days. In that case we will ask you for immediate payment.
2. Pay in instalments
Are you booking a stay for 56 days from now or later? Then you don't have to pay the full amount right now. In that case you may pay in two instalments. You will pay 20% right away or within 7 days. The remaining 80% will be due up to 42 days before your arrival date.
If you would like to change your booking or cancel it for free, then please contact the Contact Centre. Please have your booking number ready.
View the Terms and Conditions for more information.
View the Terms and Conditions for more information.